The Benefits Of Corporate Events + Ideas For Your Event!
Sunday, September 04, 2022This post contains sponsored links, but all opinions are my own
Corporate events have long been a part of the professional world. They have a lot of benefits for your business, and they are the kind of thing you'll want to think about if you want to grow your business. With more popping up as COVID restrictions ease, it's easy to book a ticket and attend. I love attending corporate events and have met beneficial contacts from them. Here are some benefits of hosting or attending a corporate event and what you can do to plan one effectively.
Improve Company Culture
One of the main reasons that people host corporate events is to experience a better company culture throughout the business. You can quickly see the effects that an event has on your company. Whether you hold a professional event or a fun day, your colleagues can mingle with people they may not normally speak to. On my workplace fun day, I made many new friends and have plans with them outside of work! If you know your workplace has a budget and love planning, why not ask if you can plan the next event? After events, workers tend to speak more and build better relationships. Whether you win an award together or do an escape room, colleagues will go through things together. It's also a good chance for them to talk outside of a professional setting. It isn't something they may have gotten to do regularly.
Bring People Together
When building your brand, you want people to come together. Events are a great way of allowing people to meet and form new relationships. If you hold a work-only event, you can help your colleagues meet. Biggers firms find that workers don't mingle outside of their departments. An event is a perfect way for people to meet outside work and speak to people they may not normally. One way to bring people together is through food. For instance, hiring Sweet&Chilli Events to provide a bar or entertainment at the end of the day can make it more enjoyable. It can also give your people a chance to actually have fun together. If you're hosting an event with clients and networking, you can meet a whole range of people that may come in handy later down the line. You could also find friends you want to spend time with outside of office hours.
If you're self-employed, you could see if there are any events in your local community to attend. You might find other self-employed people to bond with, future clients or even people to help you grow. Being self-employed can also be lonely if you're working from home. Attending events could be good for building relationships and keeping you motivated. It's always nice to have people to talk to! You may find others are on a similar path or have encountered issues you can help with.
Can Improve Your Social Engagement
I have recently been introduced to Linkedin! I didn't realise how beneficial it was to my career and finding opportunities. If you're at an event, especially one with corporate social responsibility, you might want to share it! I am doing a 10K race in October for Cancer Research if you'd like to donate. I have shared it on my social media, and it's gained a lot of attraction. I have shared work events and achievements which have attracted potential employers. From a business standpoint, sharing your events on social media shows that you care about your employees. It also can show that you're a good place to work and may attract new talent. You may find your business gains more of a following, leading to new clients and customers. Most people are on social media. Make sure you're sharing moments in your business to attract others.
Corporate Event Ideas To Consider
Coming up with an event that everyone will enjoy is hard. However, there are many ideas that you can consider. Here is a wide range of event ideas you can try for different budgets. I recommend doing at least one event yearly, but I know places that do quarterly events to boost morale and relax!
- Do a charity run together (My work team are doing this if you'd like to donate!)
- Go punting
- Have your version of The Office's Dundies Awards!
- Try an escape room
- Hire out food trucks
- Have a bingo or quiz night
- Go to a comedy club or host your own!
- Have photo booths and a DJ
- Try bowling or shuffleboard
- Host a Bridgerton-themed ball
- Do a pub crawl
- Have a pizza party

I love attending corporate events, although it's not for everyone. If you're looking to boost your career or business, it's worth attending some. You can meet new people and build new skills while having fun! Have you been to any recent corporate events? I'd love to hear if you found them beneficial! If you have any funny stories, I'd also like to read what happened!